About the Tea

So, in case you don’t read my first post this is a simple introduction of myself and this blog. My name is Emily. I am currently a senior attending college in Oregon. I love to read and write and am therefore majoring in English. My passions include social justice, music, and literature.

This began as a school assignment, but has quickly developed into a pastime of my own.

Though this blog is named after tea, it really is more focused on my love for literature, writing, and other elements of the English language. If you came expecting a blog on tea I am deeply sorry as you will be severely disappointed. I hope you can enjoy reading the musings of a busy English major rather than a blog all about a fabulous beverage.

I hope my blog will give an introduction into the workings of my literate brain. That’s a part of the reason I named this blog “A Cup of English Tea”. When I write I warm up my brain, start getting ideas going. Once I have my ideas selected they need to stew and develop a bit. And then of course I can spill them out into a cup (or a blog if you will) where the world can enjoy if they wish to do so. Admittedly my tea does not always come out right. Sometimes it doesn’t brew quite long enough. Other times it perhaps brews a little too long, giving it an overwhelming strength that others might not like. So as you delve into my blog, please understand that I write this as a simple collection of the thoughts that spill from my brain about English, writing, life and whatever else may occupy my attention.

Happy reading!

31 responses to “About the Tea

  1. hi did you get your widget problem fixed? I’m having the same trouble.

    • I have not figured it out yet. I am also having trouble. Hopefully we’ll figure out what’s going on soon. It’s not a big deal, but I would like to be able to use the widgets if I can. Good luck figuring out your problems! I’ll keep posting on the forum and see if any other answers come up.

  2. I really don’t want to have to pay anyone to help me, I wish the WP admin people would just repair it!

  3. leeyonard

    Hi there-

    I am contacting you because I have nominated your blog for the Liebster Award, one amongst many awards in blogdom, but particularly kind kind of cool.

    I was bestowed such an honor a short time ago, and wanted to share the love. I hope you don’t mind much, and that folks will find their way to your corner of this wild and crazy Web. I will be posting the nominations soon at the blog address below, thanks, and congrats!



  4. i like this post very much

  5. Hey, I just want to let you know I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award! You can view your nomination, along with the other nominees, here: http://booksteame.com/2013/05/27/three-awards-oh-my/
    Keep up the great work!

  6. Your blog name is too cute to handle…and makes me thirsty for tea! Thanks for the follow, hope you like our blog some more 🙂

  7. You actually have an eye-catching blog name. Love it! 😀

  8. Hi Emily
    It’s funny, we share the same blog name… but mine is on Blogspot, I was thinking about moving it to WordPress but that will be impossible now 😀

    • Oh dear I’m so sorry! That’s always the worst when someone else takes your intended blog name. 😦 Well, I hope you can maybe find something else. Good luck fellow blogger!

  9. Dear Emily, I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award: http://shardsofsilence.wordpress.com/2013/11/02/the-versatile-blogger-award/
    Warm Regards,

    • Thank you so much for your nomination! It means so much to know other writers appreciate my blog. I have been nominated before so I probably won’t post on it again, but I am very glad to know that other readers find me versatile. 🙂 Thanks so much!

  10. M-R

    I like this analogy, Emily. 🙂

  11. Hi Emily, good meeting you in your world! 🙂

  12. Don’t know how far I’ll read back in your blog as I’ve quite a bit on my plate at the moment, but I love your easy, flowing voice in your intro. I will find it interesting and enjoyable following your blog.

  13. moi

    Hi, Thanks for following my blog.

  14. Pingback: Cool Beans | Life of a Twenty-Something

  15. Jeremy

    Hi Emily,

    I’ve nominated you for the Blogger Recognition Award: https://inklingstime.wordpress.com/2015/08/09/the-blogger-recognition-award/

    I hope you don’t mind. It’s okay if you prefer not to act on it. If anything it’s my way of telling you that I really like visiting your blog.

    Thanks for being a wonderful blogger!

  16. Hey there Emily… Just out of curiosity, why did you close the comments on your review of “Searching for Sunday?” I knew it sounded familiar when you mentioned it a week or so ago. My son had read recently read and loved it. In fact, we’re talking about reading it together in our Sunday School class. I just want you to know that these faith struggles can come at any age. God and I have had a love/hate relationship since 1990, but I still hold out the hope that there is something to my faith. I continue to be a part of a great congregation. So searching and being a part of are not mutually exclusive. And sometimes I think a person can’t really own their faith until they go through the struggles you’re alluding to. If you ever want to talk about it, I have a willing ear. So does Bran because he went from wanting to be a pastor (served as associate pastor at our church for six months) to becoming an atheist. He had to do that. Now he’s claimed his faith and is leading Sunday School, has preached at church, and it has been suggested he’d make a terrific hospital chaplain. So don’t be afraid of the questioning process. I was a church secretary for 22 years, and believe me, there are times when pastors get totally befuddled, too…

    • Thank you so much for your kind words. It might not have seemed like it, but I was more open and vulnerable in that post than I often am. I was raised in a family that doesn’t always respect questioning faith, so to me it felt really nerve-wracking to put those thoughts on the page. I almost thought about not posting. So to settle some of my fears I just decided to disable comments to make it a bit easier on myself and not fear backlash or anything else negative. Thanks for taking the time to reach out and share your own experience. That really does mean a lot.

Let me know what you think: